Monday, July 11, 2005


One of the reasons that we feel distant from God is that we're just plain tired. Like any other relationship, maintaining a relationship with God takes work. Since God doesn't take up physical space in our lives, he tends to get less of our attention than the other relationships we have. That can be a real problem, because if we're not close to God we don't react emotionally to our human relationships the way we should. If we haven't spiritually recharged by being with God, we have little or no energy left to give to our human relationships.

Instead of talking to God, we literally wear ourselves to a frazzle talking to humans about things they simply don't have the answer to. We start our mornings worn out from no sleep because we've spent the night worrying about whatever. If we're tapping ourselves out by making plans that end up failing anyway it's probably time to make a change.

When we spend time with God and ask him about family issues, problems at work, strained relationships, or even world events that affect us, we get a completely different perspective on things. Think about it...the closer you get to God the more infinite, powerful, incredible and all knowing he becomes to us. When we recognize that God is able to ____________ (fill in the blank with anything here), we walk away from a visit with him full of energy. Why? Because we sense we don't have to worry as much or try so hard to make things turn out like we think they should. When we ask him for wisdom, which he give us generously (James 1:5), we become more productive in life and our emotions are far more healthy.

There's a very well known Bible verse that says, "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). When we settle down, either physically or mentally, we're simply allowing God a chance to get a word in with us. He wants the best for us. He wants to us have peace and joy when life gets difficult. God assures us that when we wait on him, be still with him, and tap into his power, we'll have all the energy we need. Here's what God says:

But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:13, NLT).

Take some time today and be still with God. You'll see renewed strength and you'll sleep better tonight.

Have a great day.