Friday, July 29, 2005

Stopping the vicious cycle of religion

We are all infected and impure with sin. When we proudly display our righteous deeds, we find they are but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall. And our sins, like the wind, sweep us away (Isaiah 64:6, NLT).

I think Karl Marx may have been right when he said "religion is the opiate of the masses." Now before you choke on your bagel or spit out your latte, let me explain.

Religion is addictive. Religion as an institution that realizes humans need to feel better about what they've done wrong. Protestants pay penance by attending church every Sunday, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. Catholics go to confession. Presbyterians give lots of money. Episcopalians have the best Christmas parties. No matter what their denomination or faith system, they get their conscience fixed one way or another (or not) and continue to be no different than the rest of the culture. It's addictive. Live like you want, then numb your conscience with religious ritual. You feel good about yourself for a couple of days and then you feel the need for a fix. Do some more religion. Feel bad. Come back for more religion.

Most people have at least been exposed to the vicious cycle of religion. They've either experienced it first hand or they've seen how shallow it is from the outside. People move from religion to religion or church to church looking for the spiritual high that will last them all week. That's why Isaiah 64:6 was written then, and that's why it's so applicable now.

The beginning point to stopping the vicious cycle of religion is to start a relationship with Jesus Christ. He alone can fix the core issue: sin. When we trust in Christ alone to solve our problem of repetitive damaging behavior (sin), the need for a spiritual fix goes away. It's almost overstated in some circles, but knowing God is about a relationship and not religion. Jesus Christ makes us brand new...mind, body, and soul. "We are all infected and impure with sin." Jesus cures our infection of sin. Religion simply numbs the pain of sin for a while.

"When we proudly display our righteous deeds, we find they are but filthy rags." Outside-in religion gets us nowhere spiritually. Doing the right thing, saying the right thing, being in the right place...all the pious things that we think will bury our real problem of sin, end up being worthless. We leave the religious gathering with an emotional high that fades quickly. Or worse, we leave with no sense of encountering God at all.

So we begin again. But this time we realize that the issue isn't the church or religion, it's our sin. We realize that there is no quick fix for our souls. The cure for our sin sick souls is a relationship with Jesus Christ. We realize it will take consistent work on our part. It will be an everyday, every hour, every moment commitment. And God is there, all the time...waiting to show us His love for us. He accepts us unconditionally and challenges us to change without making us feel like dirt.

We can all stop the cycle of repetitive, damaging behavior in our life. The fix is inside-out, adjusting our character as we grow in a relationship with God.

Have a great day.