Tuesday, July 12, 2005

the purpose of life happens in community (part 1)

(being alone so you can be with others)

Being by yourself is necessary sometimes. You need to get away from the kids when they're driving you nuts. Some personal time is in order when you're stressed at work. Maybe there's a friend that's getting a little too clingy and you need to slip away for a while. There are even times when you need to be away from your spouse. Personal time allows you to get away, collect your thoughts, and approach things with a clear head. Our culture calls it "me" time.

As a matter of fact, Jesus took "me" time. When Jesus took time for himself he usually prayed. He went off for forty days where he prayed and fasted. When the crowds became a bit too much he went off by himself for a short while and then went right back healing people. Jesus went off by himself to pray when things got stressful. Sometimes he just got a lone and prayed. No stress. He just got alone and prayed.

About now you're saying, "Yea, but that was Jesus. He was God. I just don't think about praying when I'm alone that much." There's a couple of things we have to remember. First, the Bible doesn't say that Jesus prayed everytime he was alone. At least not like we envision: with hands together, kneeling, and a yellowish-white glow around his head. When he was getting away from the crowd in the boat he was probably rowing and saying to himself, "Why can't these people leave me alone?" We discount too much that Jesus was also 100% human. He had the same frustrations we do with people. When he got alone he didn't genuflect and get all religious looking and then pray. He kept rowing and talking to the Heavenly Father. When you get away...in the basement from the kids, in the bathroom from your co-workers, on a hike away from everybody...just get away and tell God how you're feeling. It sure beats talking to yourself.

Second, the only way you and I are going to survive being around other people is to take time to be alone with God. Jesus taught us by how he lived that we can't provide for others emotionally and spiritually if we haven't taken the time to refuel our own lives. Think about it, Jesus was God in the flesh and he had to get away to pray. Why should we think we can keep blowing and going without any rest and time alone with God? We need to get away. When we get away we allow God to strengthen us and get rest. When we get away and talk to God we can clear our thoughts and gain a whole new perspective on things.

Being with people, no matter what their age, is draining. When you feel like you're running on "empty", take some time away. Recharge. Refuel. Talk to God. God's promise is that you'll have more strength and endurance (Isaiah 40:30-31). Why not take him up on it?

Have a great day.