Thursday, June 30, 2005

the end to a short vacation

We were relatively close to the two shark attacks in the Florida Panhandle this week. The last one was closer to us than the first. After seeing this pic on the news, my daughter and I stopped our trips to the local sand bar. I was torn between the logic of the experts that said there was a 1 in 5 million chance of being attacked by a shark and my landlocked, country boy instinct that says it just doesn't make sense to swim where critters can kill you. Nonetheless, I will simply take snorkeling gear on my next trip to the beach. I really love the ocean, I'll just swim underwater where I can see what's coming.

I came home more tanned and rested but I don't feel completely rested. After three years without a vacation, I really did need to take the two weeks in a row suggested by the church elders. I probably could have been gone two consecutive Sundays, I just thought it best to be gone only one. There will be plenty of time for extended vacations later. I plan to splurge on my time off next week and play a round of golf or something. Don't get me wrong was a good vacation, just a bit short.

We spent a lot of time at the pool and walking on the beach. We also took one of those three hour cruise things to Shell Island. I was dreading it for two reasons: 1) I get sea sick. 2) I would have rather been reading. It turned out to be a lot of fun. We came across a pod of 12-15 dolphins. We stopped and watched them and then they cruised along with us. They got withing five feet of the boat on our side. Much cooler than seeing them at the zoo. Shell Island was deserving of its name. Tons of sea shells. Michelle and the girls had a blast. The beach was pristine. I thought of what it might have looked like to the early explorers to see a bunch of tourist running around picking up sea shells and chasing crabs. It was a good deal. Only $12 for adults and $7 for kids. And $1.37 for motion sickness pills.

We're back home in suburbia. Our emotionally needy dog has finally settled down after a few hours. We learned our next door neighbors were evicted while we were gone. Our other neighbors decided they wanted to give us their patio furniture. I don't have to mow the grass tomorrow. Nice. It's the end to a short vacation.

I would really rather be sitting on the balcony of the condo listening to the surf instead of typing this.