Friday, June 17, 2005

Brilliant. Really. Filing a class action lawsuit to keep The Runaway Bride, Jennifer Wilbanks, and her fiance' John Mason from making money on her really stupid and uncalled-for midnight ride to Albuquerque is a brilliant idea. It ticked Q100 "Bert Show" producer and co-host Jeff Dauler off so much that he decided to file the suit and set up the website. Is it a promotional gag? Probably, but I don't care.

The more I see her in the media, the more infuriated I get. To make things worse, the media dives in like a harpy eagle for the kill...killing in the ratings I mean. OK, now I'm really ticked at Katie Couric. Why doesn't Katie Couric interview some single mother in Atlanta that's working two jobs to feed her kids and pay childcare but decides not to run from her problems but works like crazy to do the right thing? Why doesn't Ms. Couric interview an intern at an Atlanta hospital that's been working 36 straight hours for all of the right reasons and has a lot of other reasons to give up the hell they're going through for the sake of serving humanity? Geez, when I'm mad I write really long sentences, huh? Anyway, props to Jeff Dauler and anyone who recoups their money from the lawsuit.

I have a better idea. I'll go talk to Jennifer Wilbanks and ask her to join The Journey Church. She'll say, "Sure, I'll make sure I invite my friends and family. It'll be a great day and I can support your church plant with all of the money I'm making from my little trip to New Mexico." I say, "Gee, thanks." Then I take off with my wife and kids to Panama City and say I can't take the stress of having a celebrity as a church member. As a result of my (our) stress, my entire family gets henna tattoos while in Panama City. Upon our return to Atlanta, we're confronted by angry, legalistic religious people that demand that we remove our tattoos. We, in turn, see the error of our way, seek counseling and cover up the stain of our sins with tube socks. Heraldo Rivera gets wind of it, jets to Atlanta, and scoops the story of our stress induced flight to Panama City. I get a book deal and make a zillion dollars by selling an insane amount of copies my book Coping With Celebrity Wannabees: My Flight to the Redneck Riviera and Subsequent Struggle With Tube Socks.

Hey, my story is just as believable as Jennifer Wilbanks. Think I have a chance?