Friday, June 17, 2005

observations from visiting another church

My youngest daughter has been going to Vacation Bible School at a nearby "contemporary" Baptist church. Here are some random observations:
  • The meaning of the word "contemporary" varies widely from church to church. For us it means modern rock music and no vestiges of anything aesthetically related to traditional church. For others, "contemporary" means updating your look in some areas and still functioning like the majority of most other churches.
  • Some churches don't care if you come there or not. Nobody greeted me or spoke to me when I dropped off my daughter. Nobody. Not the people sitting at the reception desk. Not even the lady that showed my daughter where her grade level was sitting when I asked her where my daughter was supposed to go. There was no, "Nice to see you." No, "How did you find out about us?" No, "Would you like information about the church?" Nothing.
  • "Contemporary" doesn't mean high energy to some churches. There wasn't any level of perceived energy that is normally associated with a large gathering of school age children. I'm all for keeping things under control, but there was no walk-in or ambience music, no video playing or anything that set the tone for the day. Boring.
  • I miss the pledge to the Bible even though I think it's a bad adoption of culture by the traditional church.
  • Volunteers are the backbone of the church.
  • I thank God for The Journey Church.

A closing question: What can a church do to be waiting for culture instead of always trying to catch up to culture in being relevant?