Monday, May 30, 2005

confessions of a naive blogger

I have always viewed myself as being above average in being in touch with culture...especially in the last three years. I started blogging thinking it would be a way for me to keep my writing skills sharp. Honestly, I started blogging because my pastor friends were blogging and I am fiercely competitive! We all have our approach to blogging and I've used mine as a cathartic tool in the final stage of detoxing from traditional church. I wanted my blog to be more of a personal, cyber-journal. Not anymore.

I knew that anybody with access to the Internet could find my blog. I also knew that the less I posted on other people's sites and left it off message board and email sigs that I could remain relatively obscure. I guess that was naive to some degree. The fact is, if someone wants to find you on the Web and you have any presence there you will be found.

Completely unconnected people have commented about the blog. I was talking to a guest at The Journey yesterday and she mentioned she had read it. With the heightened traffic on our church website, more people finding my blog is inevitable. That means simplyken is going public (like it already isn't?). From now on I'll be open about it. I'll put it in my email sig. I'll probably put a link to it on our church website. I guess I'll let the world into the mind and soul of Ken Miller...follower of Christ, husband, father, high tech redneck, football lover, and inhaler of Little Debbie Devil's Squares. Oh yeah, and not-so-naive-anymore-blogger.