Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Do not give this journalist a Guinness...

This is not the most 'brilliant!' headline in recent memory: Bush Pushing Agenda in State of Union . Imagine that...a President pushing his agenda in a State of the Union address? Unbelievable.

As a pastor, I know how hard it is to be a creative communicator. Coming up with a headline is like coming up with a sermon title. It's the most difficult part of communicating for me. I have, in some instances, simply made the textual reference my sermon title when I'm doing a Bible study but I've never done something like "God is good" or "Jesus loves you" for a sermon title.

I guess what frosted me about the headline was that it insulted my intelligence. Now that I think about it, I should be more careful in how I come up with sermon titles and how I communicate in general. Just now I somehow I feel as if God just poked me in the chest in a Sean Connery-like way and said to me, "Here endeth the lesson."

I love that movie...