Saturday, June 02, 2007

Back in the saddle(s)

Part One
Since the last year has been one of underemployment (understatement of my lifetime), I chose to take on a part-time job with BestBuy last September. I took three months off so I could focus on my day job. After things solidified there, I got back in the retail saddle and I haven't even broken stride. Sales are good, even in the slower part of the year. In the grand scheme of retail employment, it's a really fun job. Especially since I only work on Saturdays and Sunday afternoons. The employee discount is sweet, too. I'll probably work through July for now because....

Part Two
As I've posted before, Jeff has asked me to fill in at CMC on Sundays that he's away. I'm doing it again on July 15th. Good times. As a result of my growing relationship with
the staff, they asked if I would be willing to do Young Adults (18-35) and Missions on a part-time basis. So, I'll start doing that in August. That's a lot for part-time, but because the two areas are squarely in my "sweet spot", it will be a challenge and not a chore. The big focus is on college age through the end of school year '08. Career people and young marrieds are next and then missions. I won't be able to lead mission trips until I build some vacation time at my full-timejob. Until then it will have to be vision casting and logistics.

It is a much welcome return to home electronics and ministry...I can hear Hank Williams now,...."back in the saddle(s) again."