Monday, August 08, 2005

On being Johnny Storm

In the summer blockbuster movie Fantastic Four, Johnny Storm takes a leap of faith from a skyscraper and then screams, "Flame on!" He takes off in a blaze of glory and defeats the heat seeking missile intended to kill him. He is a changed person. He has embraced the incredible power created within him as the result of an encounter with force far greater than himself. He is able to do things no one, not even Johnny Storm, thought possible. Amazingly, he begins to understand his new found abilities aren't for his personal glory but for the better good of humanity. He moves from self-centeredness to serving others.

If you're a follower of Christ, your story should turn out a lot like the Marvel comic character Johnny Storm. Since you've been reborn and have become a new creation, you've been given capabilites far greater than your own. In order for you to realize all that God has for you, it will take a leap of faith on your part.
The gifts you've been given of eternal life and the power of prayer aren't yours to keep. Instead they've been given to you to benefit others. God has re-created us so we can make a difference in a world that is sick and living in darkness.

You are the light of the world - like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see (Matthew 5:14, NLT).

The leap of faith you and I have to take isn't that difficult. When Jesus speaks about his purpose and plan for us in Matthew 5:14, he's telling us that he will put us in a position where our light can be a city on a mountain. He's also saying that our light isn't there just for our benefit, it's there for others to find their way to God...through us. We're a light that should draw others into the community of God.

Letting your light shine in the darkness of the world is actually easy. That's because letting your light shine is more about being than doing. Jesus says that his followers are the light of the world, we don't have to manufacture anything. Being in a healthy relationship with him results in being a light. Jesus puts us in a place where we can be seen, in a community of other lights, so others benefit and can see their way out of their personal darkness. That's easy enough. God's grace not only makes us a light but puts us in a place where that light can be seen.

More on letting your light shine tomorrow.

Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all (Matthew 5:15, NLT).

Have a great day.